Reclaiming my Breastfeeding Power

Breastfeeding for a young mom who doesn’t completely understand breastfeeding can be frustrating and just overwhelming. I have three children so I’ve done this breastfeeding thing three different times. My first time was the hardest and most uncomfortable because as a new mom with little to no support, my son didn’t latch well and it was very painful to breastfeed. My son only received 3 months of breastfeeding because I wasn’t doing it correctly and it was painful and my nipples were often bleeding. After that I hated breastfeeding and told many people it was not for me at all.

My second pregnancy was a test for me, my nurse encouraged me to try to breastfeed my first daughter especially because she was a premature 3lb baby. She couldn’t suck directly from my nipple but I decided to try using the breast pump so that she can gain all the helpful benefits she needed from me. I pumped for 8 months and it was great and I learned so much about my body and the amazing benefits of breastfeeding!

My third daughter had the best of both worlds because she had her dad giving her only breast milk that I pumped and left for her, and whenever I was home she would get her breast milk directly from me. I bonded with her and the mother-daughter interaction was just out of this world good.

I am thankful that I didn’t let my first experience stop me from giving my other children a shot at the wonderful loving bond and health from breastfeeding. My advice to you is never give your baby less than they deserve, try all the options to ensure that you and your baby are happy and get the best in everything! Breastfeeding is amazing just ensure your baby’s latching is on point even if you have to help them. 

— Shanique, Young Parent Ambassador

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