Breastfeeding Equity

While Stronger Generations is no longer offering direct breastfeeding services and support, we hope to be back on the ground and offering direct services again soon. In the meantime, we have linked some helpful services for you below!

Baby Café

We are proud to be a part of the Boston Breastfeeding Coalition, which works to improve access to breastfeeding support for every caregiver in Boston and promote social connections and optimal child enrichment in early life.

Baby Café offers free resources for pregnant or postpartum individuals including:

  • Support from Certified Lactation Counselors and International Board Certified Lactation Consultants
  • Opportunity to weigh your baby before and after feeding
  • Refreshments, comfortable seating, and open forum discussions
  • Infant feeding support – you don’t need to be exclusively breastfeeding to participate – we are here to support you with any need you may have!
  • Opportunities to share experiences and make friends
  • Bi-lingual/bi-cultural support (English/Spanish)

For a list of Baby Café locations in Boston, please visit the Boston Breastfeeding Support Group Calendar.

Mama Sana

We are proud to support Mama Sana, a free program designed for all mothers who would benefit from nutrition and breastfeeding classes and inpatient and outpatient follow-up conducted in Spanish. For more information, please see the flyers in English and Spanish.

Estamos orgullosas a apoyar Mama Sana, una programa diseñado para todas las madres interesadas en aprender sobre nutrición y lactancia en español en el hospital y seguimiento telefónico una vez que estén en casa. Para más información visita Mama Sana aquí.